Yes. BinWeigh 03 is fully certified in the UK and EU for charging by weight per bin.
BinWeigh 03 is suitable for use on most types of rear end loading refuse vehicle where the lifter is "weighing ready". If you are unsure about this please ask the manufacturer of the lifter or contact us for assistance.
No. BinWeigh 03 is a dynamic weighing system so there is no pause or delay caused to the lifting cycle. This allows vehicles to be quicker and more efficient on their routes.
The data is stored locally on the vehicle for access using a pen drive, but it is also transmitted in real time via the cloud to BinWeigh 03 servers allowing optimal use of the data for real-time billing and vehicle load management.
BinWeigh 03 has an optional Contamination Detection System which helps to lower contamination in recycling bins, making the segregation of the recyclables easier, lowering the total cost of the process.